Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Welcome to The Weird Place Full of My Shit

السلام عليكم, Hello, Hola, Halo, Konnichiwa, Merheba, blablablah

My name is Duaa (for non-Arabic speakers you can butcher my multiple-vowels name less by pronouncing it Du-wa. Thanks.) , and this will be (or is, whatever) the blog of my randomness, and by randomness I mean that one moment I'll be sharing thoughts and experience about life and stuff, the next I'll be totally fangirling so hard over Supernatural or Ed Sheeran. Maybe also you'll see pictures of cats and cookies.

Links of my personal twitter, goodreads, my art instagram and askfm are on the on bar on the right side of the page, I don't mind you looking at them if you wanted to! (In fact, I'd love that but I don't say these things out load).
