Thursday, 10 September 2015

I Made A Fanvid! Oh Yes It's Supernatural!

So I decided to make a Supernatural fanvid of the most hurtful heart-breaking scene in the whole show. If you haven't reached 9x23 and are avoiding spoilers then don't continue reading and don't watch the video.

This is the point where you should stop reading because I'm about to spoil things more for you, even though you should've been waay waaaaay over that episode because we're starting S11 in a month.

Stop here I said.

You still haven't stopped yet? Not my business don't come crying to me saying I spoiled things for you!

Any ways.

Before posting the video, I'd like to say why this is the most heart-breaking episode ever. You see, there is only one episode in Supernatural that makes me cry every time I watch it, (no, not this, or the one where Sam died the first time, or when Dean gives a speech over his dead body, or any of the countless times Dean died..) It's "Abandon All Hope..." where Ellen and Jo die..

Why am I telling you that? So irrelevant.

This episode though, the S09 finale, I think it's the most heart-wrecking death of Dean from all the series.
S03 finale hurt real bad, I don't even have the stomach to watch that shit again! But this one..
Because of everything that happened between the brothers throughout the whole season, from how it started off with Sam in the hospital, to Sam almost giving up but staying for his brother, to Dean having to lie to Sam about the angel, to how Sam took it when Dean told him, to KEVIN (UUGGGHHHH KEVIN!) to Sam hating his brother for what he did and saying so many hurtful, awful, ugly things to him, making Dean go all 'screw it' and take the Mark of Cain, How Sam looked at his brother when he got the blade, how Dean looked at himself.. how things got too screwed up for him till he got to that point where he had no value to himself or his life or to whatever his brother thinks of him and what he thinks is right..
It's just a load of pain. Too much pain..
And then Dean was killed before Sam's eyes (again) and here where it really really hurts..

I seriously can't have this idea in my head without tearing up.

Dean was dying, and Sam was scared, even though he made it clear to Dean that he was okay with it, but I think, like they always say, that saying it is always easier than actually doing it. When Sam saw his brother he wasn't thinking of anything he said about, because all what's happening was 'Dean is dying Dean is dying dean is dying dean is dying oh no' 

And then Dean tell him that line, that one stupid line, the 5 words that sends goosebumps all over my body EVERY. FUCKING. TIME
"I'm proud of us"
Then he dies. In his brother's arms.
And Sam realizes then, it hits him, that his brother died, and he should've seen it coming because of how big of a wreck Dean was this whole time but he was too angry to pretend to care, that his brother died thinking that he was okay with him dying, that he won't even waste any power to save him, that he hated him and didn't want to be his brother ever again..

As I see it, Sam wasn't crying because his brother died, he was crying because "I'm so sorry. I was an asshole. I'm too little too late to set things right between us"
And that's where my heart gives up, the apologetic, the sad, the regretful cry as he takes Dean to his chest..
Oh God Imma cry right now again..

This is my idea, maybe it's the intended, maybe my brain made it up, but it's really all I could see in that scene, and it's like it doesn't hurt more than anything else.

So here's my fanvid, my first ever fanvid. I spent almost 4 days doing it, but I really enjoyed the process, and that song is my new jam..
Please comment on the video link or down here and let me know what you think :3

And I repeat here, all credits go to Letts for the song, Erik Kripke and the CW for the every clip and character in that video.


Monday, 7 September 2015

TV, Music, Movies, And Stuff

Since I was little innocent child, I always have found myself attached or obsessed or addicted (not THAT kind of addiction for God's sake) to something, it always have been like this, I never was the girl who's not a fan or without a hobby.
First it was children comic magazines (yeah!) and then it was Anime, well to be very very specific for years all I knew in my life was the anime HunterXHunter, like, seriously, head over heels in love with it. I drew it, I wrote stories about it, and that's before I knew what fan fiction really was! Such a natural talent.

And then somehow I found my way to Japanese drama or J-Drama as they call it. For a couple of years, and then Naruto happened within the same era, more J-Drama and more J-Drama until...

My major fall over a Japanese Pop group I found by crushing over an actor on one of these J-Dramas, then I watched more of his stuff, then I found out that he's a singer in a pop band and bla-bla-blah..

Yeah it was Yamapi. I had a crush on freggin Yamapi. 

Anyways, I got obsessed with that pop group NEWS. Yeah they were Japanese so yeah they sing in Japanese and I never understood a word of what they were singing without my dear friend google translate but I liked it.
The obsession went for a very very long time, let's see.. Umm.. around 2008-2009 till last year I guess.. So yes, around 5-6 years. Apparently I have a very functional life.

And in early 2012, as I was graduating high school, I decided to start watching that show that I saw my aunt watching and my cousin said that it had 2 cute boys in it a while ago..

Oh yes.. Supernatural, ladies and gentlemen.  

I watched 7 seasons in a little over 2 weeks. And here's where I end my talk about Supernatural in this post because that will take a hell lot more than 2 lines xD

Now that I made peace with myself that the major of my life was being a full-time fan of art and entertainment stuff, I started knowing myself more in which kind of music I love more, what genre of books or movies or tv I like to watch or read..
My Blog's name is taken from an Ed Sheeran song from his latest album, so yeah, Ed Sheeran is kinda my #1 musician, also Pentatonix, and if you don't know who Pentatonix are you can please kindly go check them on Youtube RIGHT NOW or get the hell out of here because UGH my heart! I can listen to them all day long and have them scream their beautiful notes in my ear for eternity.

I don't have a favorite book, but I love Harry Potter a lot, I mean.. it was one of my obsessions at one point of my life, and yeah I wrote fics about it too..

Favorite movie.. beside Harry Potter series, I'm not a movie geek but, Jurassic Park man. I grew up watching this over and over and over and every time I'm just as amazed as the time before!

If you want to know more about me you can have me ranting and fangirling all over you timeline on twitter, but I think I will stop here with this post because.. I don't want to give too much about just yet at once (too late smartass).

This post is pointless, but I don't care. I just wanted to write it so I did. I hope I can write something less-pointless next time, just for my sake.
